We couldn’t be more excited to introduce our revamped strength and conditioning program.  Instead of forcing a structure on you we are creating the structure around you.  The focus on getting stronger and faster in sports has never been higher.  In our new service, each player will receive a personalized training program that works around their schedule and demands of their off season.  There are options to train in-gym in one of our designated facility times, at home with your equipment, your school or family gym, or in any combination.  We are bringing the training structure to you.

Coach Nolan Video

Who and What

  • Puts an emphasis on the need for continued strength at all levels of development.  Takes in to account multi-sport athletes
    • 8-9: create solid movement patterns, emphasis on core strength, joint mobility, agility
    • Equipment Used: body weight, resistance bands, med balls, intro to free weights
    • 10-12: create solid movement patterns, emphasis on core strength, joint mobility, agility, total body strength, explosive movements, intro to plyometrics
    • Equipment Used: resistance bands, med balls, free weights
    • 13-18: create solid movement patterns, core stability, joint mobility, agility, total body strength, force production, plyometrics



  • Strength training is a year round commitment that will be tailored to the needs of each athlete.  Programs need to be created based on the current demands of the player whether they are in another sport or not.  We will work with each athlete to customize training programs in conjunction with specific workload for a given cycle.  Example: a fall sport athlete will have a program set up around their practice and contest schedule to ensure growth in that current sport as well as establish a base of strength for the future.  A baseball athlete not playing a fall sport may have a 3 day a week program with additional speed and mobility work a different day.  Specific program for each athlete’s needs.  


  • Athletes will have the option of training in house in our facility at our designated times. The weight room will be staffed and athletes will need to register for a specific time in advance.    Additionally, athletes will have the option to train remotely either at home, at school, or at their current gym. This gives the athlete the ability to complete their training with us or on their own.  Regardless of venue, our staff will have steady communication with the athletes to ensure efficiency in the program.    


8u – 9u Player Info


10u-12u Player Info


13u-18u Player Info